Configure installation: SIM Card
Configuring the SIM card is the crucial first step when setting up an installation in Fleeti Admin. The main objective is to obtain the phone number that will be linked to the gateway.
User access: FleetiSuperAdmin, FleetiAdmin, FleetiCustomerService, FleetiCustomerServiceAdmin, FleetiOperator, FleetiTechnician, FleetiTechnicianAdmin
Ensure that the configured phone number is not linked to any other non-deleted operation or non-deleted gateway on the asset.
It is possible to configure an installation when the status is pending or configuration.
There are two ways to configure an installation:
Configuration from the Installation List: Find the installation in the list and click on the configuration button with the settings icon.
Configuration from the Installation View: Go to the installation view and click on the "Configure" button.
After clicking the button, the configuration view appears with three options for the operators.
International (selected by default)
- APN: Required (recommended to fill with "bicsapn").
- ICCID: Enter the last 7 digits of the ICCID, this is mandatory.
- Phone Number: Required.
Ensure to use the country code without special characters, for example, 00221 instead of +221.
- APN: Required.
- Select Operator: Can be Carburn or Matooma.
- Phone Number: Required.
Ensure to use the country code without special characters, for example, 00221 instead of +221.
- APN: Required.
The phone number is needed with the country code without special characters in the format 00221 instead of +221.
After filling in the necessary information, validate the form. The SIM card is considered configured. The installation is then ready to configure the gateway.
You can always go back as long as the configuration is not completed. However, if you reconfigure the SIM card, the entire configuration (gateway and accessories) will have to be done again.
User access: FleetiSuperAdmin, FleetiAdmin, FleetiCustomerService, FleetiCustomerServiceAdmin, FleetiOperator, FleetiTechnician, FleetiTechnicianAdmin
Ensure that the configured phone number is not linked to any other non-deleted operation or non-deleted gateway on the asset.
It is possible to configure an installation when the status is pending or configuration.
Methods to Configure an Installation
There are two ways to configure an installation:
Configuration from the Installation List: Find the installation in the list and click on the configuration button with the settings icon.
Configuration from the Installation View: Go to the installation view and click on the "Configure" button.
After clicking the button, the configuration view appears with three options for the operators.
Configuration Options
International (selected by default)
- APN: Required (recommended to fill with "bicsapn").
- ICCID: Enter the last 7 digits of the ICCID, this is mandatory.
- Phone Number: Required.
Ensure to use the country code without special characters, for example, 00221 instead of +221.
- APN: Required.
- Select Operator: Can be Carburn or Matooma.
- Phone Number: Required.
Ensure to use the country code without special characters, for example, 00221 instead of +221.
- APN: Required.
The phone number is needed with the country code without special characters in the format 00221 instead of +221.
After filling in the necessary information, validate the form. The SIM card is considered configured. The installation is then ready to configure the gateway.
You can always go back as long as the configuration is not completed. However, if you reconfigure the SIM card, the entire configuration (gateway and accessories) will have to be done again.
Updated on: 12/02/2024
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