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Check the availability of gateways and SIM cards for new installation

You are about to set up a new installation, but wondering how to check the availability of your gateway and SIM card? Don't worry; we've prepared a guide to help you navigate through these crucial steps.

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**Checking Gateway Availability**

1. Gateway Associated with an Asset:
Go to the Assets menu and search with the gateway's IMEI. If an asset is associated with the gateway, your gateway is not available for a new installation.

If the gateway you intend to use is associated with an asset in the Fleeti system, you have two options:
- Remove the existing asset associated with the gateway if it's from a previous installation.
- Use a new gateway for your installation.

2. Gateway Associated with an Active Installation:
Go to the Installations menu and search with the gateway's IMEI. If an installation with a status other than "closed" is associated with the gateway, your gateway is not available for a new installation.

If the installation is ongoing or has a status other than "closed," you have two choices:
- Remove the existing installation if it's not necessary.
- Use a new gateway for your installation.

3. Existing Gateway in the Right Store:
Go to the Warehouse Gateways menu and search with the gateway's IMEI in all panels other than your installation's panel. If the gateway exists in another panel, your gateway is not available for a new installation.
If the gateway exists in your new installation's panel, it is available for your installation. No need to delete it.

If the gateway is available in the warehouse account in another panel, you can:
- Remove the existing gateway if it's not necessary.
- Use a new gateway for your installation.

**Checking SIM Availability**

1. SIM Associated with an Asset:
Go to the Assets menu and search with the phone number. If an asset is associated with the SIM, your gateway is not available for a new installation.

If the SIM you plan to use is associated with an asset, you have two options:
- Remove the existing asset associated with the SIM if it's from a previous installation.
Note that if you remove the asset, the associated gateway will be restocked.
- Use a new SIM for your installation.

2. SIM Associated with an Active Installation:
Go to the Installations menu and search with the phone number. If an installation with a status other than "closed" is associated with the SIM, your SIM is not available for a new installation.

If the installation is ongoing or has a status other than "closed," you have two choices:
- Remove the existing installation if it's not necessary.
- Use a new SIM for your installation.

3. SIM Associated with a Gateway in the warehouse account:
Go to the warehouse account menu and search with the phone number in all panels. If a gateway exists in a panel, your SIM is not available for a new installation.

If a gateway associated with your SIM exists in a warehouse account of a panel, you can:
- Remove the existing gateway if it's not necessary.
- Use a new SIM available for your installation.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth installation and avoid potential issues related to gateway and SIM availability:
- Conflicts errors on gateway or SIM.
- Error 204 during gateway configuration.

Feel free to contact Fleeti support for any questions or additional assistance.

Updated on: 12/02/2024

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