Articles on: Customer Management

Add a provider to a customer

Managing providers in a fleet management system is crucial for seamless operations.

Access roles: SuperAdmin, Admin, CustomerService, CustomerServiceAdmin, Operator, and Sales

Step 1: Access the customer detail view
Search the customer and go to the customer view.

Step 2: Accessing Provider Management

After logging in, navigate to the tab "Account".

Step 3: Adding a Provider

Click on the "Add Provider" button to begin the process.

Step 4: Fill in Provider Details

You will be presented with a form to fill in the provider details. Here are the fields you need to complete:

Type (Required): Select the type of provider from the available options. This field specifies the category of the provider.

Country Code (Required if Type): If the provider type is FleetiTracking, you must enter the country code. This code is mandatory for FleetiTracking to ensure proper functionality. The country code should be defined in the parameters (api/v1/resource/searchcountry).

Provider User ID (Required if Type): For providers such as FleetiTracking, you need to enter the Provider User ID. This User ID is associated with the unique identifier of the customer object on the provider's side. If it's empty, a new user will be created on FleetiTracking. For Hiboo, this field is mandatory.

Provider Password (Required if Type): If the provider is Hiboo, you must enter the Provider Password. This password is associated with the unique identifier of the customer object on the provider's side and is mandatory for Hiboo.

Step 5: Validate*

After filling in the details, click the "Save" button to add the provider to the customer. Fleeti will process the information and provide you with a confirmation message.

In conclusion, Fleeti's feature for adding providers to customers is a powerful tool for efficient fleet management. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily manage your providers and ensure that they are correctly associated with your customers. Make sure you have the right role and permissions to access and use this feature.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team. We're here to assist you.

Updated on: 05/03/2024

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